
100 questions & answers about Endometriosis

Dr Redwine, 2009

L’ouvrage du Docteur Redwine, même s’il commence à dater un peu, est une très bonne source de réponse sur l’endométriose de la part d’un docteur qui a voulu se spécialiser dans la maladie. Il va répondre à cent questions concernant l’endométriose, permettant de faire un tour complet de la pathologie, les théories, les causes, les traitements potentiels, les symptômes associés, … L’anglais utilisé est assez simple, permettant de lire quelques parties de temps en temps et allégeant la lecture. Il s’agit d’une très bonne et complète introduction pour celles et ceux qui voudraient approfondir leurs connaissances scientifiques de la maladie.

My interest in the disease is both personal and professional—my first wife had endometriosis. Through her I experienced all of the frustations that women with the disease and their partner can go through. I was taught in medical school about the confusion surrounding the disease, and experiencing this confusion personally drove home the point that there must be a better way of understanding endometriosis. I just happened to be in a position to observe the disease first-hand in my patients and to see if I could find a better way. I mentally threw away all the textbook theories on the disease and developped new ways of looking at it, both visually and by using computer database management techniques. I let the disease speak for itself by revealing its true character through these studies. The picture of endometriosis that emerged was completely different from what I’d been taught and what everyone believed. It’s been my mission in life ever since to tell the revealed truth about endometriosis, not just repeat the mistakes others had been saying for the last 80 years.

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